900.6 Admissions.

    (a) Any homeless family which applies to a social services district may be considered for referral to a tier I or tier II facility. Any homeless pregnant woman, 16 years of age or older, who applies to a social services district, may be considered for referral to a congregate shelter for homeless pregnant women.

    (b) Local social services districts will not be reimbursed for the costs of providing shelter care and services to families referred to a facility which does not have an approved operational plan.

    (c) To the extent possible, referrals must be made to facilities whose location will minimize the dislocation of the family from the family's community and schools.

    (d) Social services districts may not refer a family which includes a pregnant woman or an inf ant under six months of age to a tier I shelter.

    (e) Social services districts may not refer to a tier I shelter a family which includes a member having a medical, physical or other special need which cannot be adequately served in the facility.

    (f) A district may not refer to a family shelter any family containing a member who:

        (1) has a mental or physical condition that makes such placement inappropriate or otherwise may cause danger to him/herself or others;

        (2) is likely to substantially interfere with the health, safety, welfare or care of other residents;

        (3) is in need of a level of medical, mental health, nursing care or other assistance that cannot be rendered safely and effectively by the facility, or that cannot be reasonably provided by the facility through the assistance of other community resources; or

        (4) has a generalized systemic communicable disease or a readily communicable local infection which cannot be properly isolated and quarantined in the facility.

    (g) When a family cannot be referred to a facility for any of the reasons set forth in subdivision (f) of this section, the local social services district must ensure that action is taken which is appropriate to the health, safety and needs of the family member and the family. Such action may include referral to appropriate medical services, child welfare agency, adult protective or law enforcement agency, or similar entity. All reasonable efforts must be made to keep the family intact. No such alternate referral may be made unless the family has been advised of the reasons and informed of its placement options for remaining together as a family.

    (h)    (1) All applicants for admission to a facility must have a preliminary health examination completed preferably at or before the time of intake, but in no case later than 24 hours after admission to the facility. Such examination must be performed by qualified medical personnel to ascertain the general health of the family and/or the presence of communicable diseases, and to verify pregnancy. In no event may a person exhibiting symptoms of a generalized systemic communicable disease or a readily communicable local infection be admitted, unless the person can be properly isolated and quarantined in the facility.

        (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subdivision, a new preliminary health examination is not required when a family moves from one temporary housing placement to another temporary housing placement while staying in the social services district's emergency housing system, if the original preliminary health examination is less than one year old and the preliminary health examination and relevant health and medical information is sent to the receiving facility at or prior to the family's arrival. Sending facilities or social services districts are required to send relevant health and medical information to receiving facilities, including any recommendation for additional health screening due to a family member's medical condition, promptly upon the family's arrival, but in no instance later than 72 hours after the family's arrival.

        (3) Additional screening and referral for physical examination, laboratory and tuberculin tests, inoculations and other appropriate treatment must be provided at the request of the medical personnel performing the preliminary health examination or at the request of the family.

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