388.5 Determining food assistance benefit levels.

The amount of benefits to which a household is entitled under the food assistance program is calculated as follows:

    (a) Calculate benefits in accordance with section 387.15 of this Title as if all members of the household, including any non-citizens eligible for the food assistance program, were eligible for federal food stamp benefits.

    (b) Calculate benefits in accordance with section 387.15 of this Title for all members of the household eligible for federal food stamp benefits. For purposes of this paragraph, members of the household eligible for the food assistance program are treated as ineligible aliens and budgeted in accordance with section 387.16(c)(2) of this Title.

    (c) Subtract the benefits calculated in subdivision (b) of this section from the benefits calculated in subdivision (a) of this section. The remainder is the amount of benefits a household is eligible to receive in the food assistance program.

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