Section 366.7 Special allowances.

    The provisions of Part 352 governing eligibility for additional allowances do not apply to CAP participants unless specifically outlined below. CAP participants may be eligible for the following additional allowances:

    (a) Property repairs. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.4(d).

    (b) Security deposits, moving expenses and broker's or finder's fees. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.6(a).

    (c) Repair, maintenance or retention of housing. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.6(e).

    (d) Storage costs. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.6(f).

    (e) Home establishment. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(a).

    (f) Catastrophic replacement of clothing or furniture. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(d).

    (g) Replacement of lost/stolen checks or electronic benefits. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(g)(1) and (2).

    (h) Chattel mortgages. These must only be authorized as a one-time only payment. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(f).

    (i) Camp fees. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(i).

    (j) Pregnancy allowance. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(k).

    (k) Burials. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(n).

    (l) Removals. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.7(o).

    (m) Visitor's allowance. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with 352.29(f).

    (n) Advance shelter allowance to avoid eviction. CAP participants who are threatened with eviction because of shelter arrearage may request an advance allowance to forestall eviction. The amount of the advance allowance must not exceed the cost of the participant's shelter for the three months prior to the advance allowance request and must only be made when other potential arrangements cannot resolve the shelter emergency. No advance allowance must be provided if the district determines that the CAP family will not have sufficient income or resources to meet future rental costs. Any advance allowance authorized is to be considered an overpayment subject to recoupment.

    (o) Repair of heating equipment, cooking stoves and refrigerators. Eligibility must be determined in accordance with section 352.7(b) of this Title.

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