Section 360-11.9 Managed special care provider qualifications and standards.

    (a) To be eligible to participate as a managed special care provider, a provider must possess all necessary approvals from the RSCA as provided by law, including but not limited to:

        (1) approval by OMH and the local mental hygiene director as a provider of mental health services; or

        (2) approval by OMRDD, or other entity if designated by OMRDD, and the local mental hygiene director as a provider of developmental disabilities services; or

        (3) approval by OASAS, or other entity if designated by OASAS, and the local mental hygiene director as a provider of alcoholism services or substance abuse services pursuant to 14 NYCRR 300, 800 or 1000.

    (b) A provider eligible to participate as a managed special care provider must:

        (1) possess sufficient resources to assure delivery of quality special care to participants in an appropriate and timely manner;

        (2) satisfy the requirements of subdivisions (g) through (i) of section 360-10.4 of this Title concerning the furnishing of special care;

        (3) be enrolled as a provider in the MA program;

        (4) inform the participant's managed care provider of the special care provided to the participant; and

        (5) make available an adequate grievance procedure for participants in accordance with the managed care plan, as provided for in subdivision (i) of section 360-10.8 of this Title.

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