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OAH Transmittals

by Gene Doyle, LMSW

The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) has begun to issue a new type of communication simply called OAH Transmittals. These new transmittals are different from the OAH Procedures Transmittals, which have been issued for many years to provide instructions to OAH staff and to local social services districts on various procedures pertaining to the processing of Fair Hearing requests and the scheduling of hearings. Please read the Disclaimer.

Here is a listing of this new type of communication, simply called OAH Transmittals:

OAH Transmittals for 2021
21-01 Demonstration Project -- Conducting Hearings by Telephone, Video, or Other Means of Communication (03/12/21)

OAH Transmittals for 2020

20-05 Allowing or Requiring Fair Hearing Appearances by Written, Telephonic, Video, or Other Electronic Means (10/16/20)
20-04 Allowing or Requiring Fair Hearing Appearances by Written, Telephonic, Video, or Other Electronic Means (07/17/20)
20-03 Allowing or Requiring Fair Hearing Appearances by Written, Telephonic, Video, or Other Electronic Means (04/16/20)
20-02 Demonstration Project -- Conducting Hearings by Telephone, Video, or Other Means of Communication (03/12/20)