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Medicaid Resource and Income Disregards

When determining eligibility for Medicaid in New York state, the local district determines the gross income and resources of the applicant, and then deducts certain items which may be disregarded.  If any of these disregards apply to a particular applicant, then they may be eligible for Medicaid even though their income or resources appear to be over the limit.  As a result, it is important to know which types of income or resources (or which expenses) can be disregarded.

We have created two tables that collect all of the various income and resource disregards applicable to the different categories of Medicaid in New York state.  We have tried to make sure there are citations to the relevant provisions from the regulations or the Medicaid Reference GuideLet us know if you can't find a cite or find a correction!

IMPORTANT -- Note that these income and resource disregards apply for people seeking Medicaid for community-based care, not nursing home care.   The rules for both income and certain resources, such as the home, are different, and are explained in this article

This article was authored by the Evelyn Frank Legal Resources Program of New York Legal Assistance Group.


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